What is electroplating?

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Electroplating is the process of plating a thin layer of other metals or alloys on the surface of certain metals using the principle of electrolysis. In electroplating, the plated metal is used as the anode and is oxidized into the plating solution; the metal product to be plated is used as the cathode and the cations of the plated metal are reduced on the metal surface to form the plating layer. In order to exclude the interference of other cations, and to make the plating layer uniform and solid, it is necessary to use a solution containing plating metal cations as the plating solution to keep the concentration of plating metal cations constant. The purpose of electroplating is to apply a metallic layer to the substrate. It changes the surface properties or dimensions of the substrate. Plating can enhance the corrosion resistance of the metal (the plating metal is mostly corrosion-resistant metal), increase hardness, prevent wear, improve electrical conductivity, lubricity, heat resistance, and surface aesthetics.

Created on:2022年8月20日 16:28